American University of Armenia

American University of Armenia is one of the pioneer partners of “Care Building Services” LLC. Our first cooperative project was the correction and improvement of the boiler house operation in the university. After that we also fixed the ventilation systems and air conditioning in the subsidiary building Paramazian. Altogether, within two years we completed six contracts with American University of Armenia.

Engineering projects included:

  • Correcting and balancing of the elements of HVAC system (boilers, air handling units, Variable air volume terminal units, DDC controllers, valves, sensors etc)
  • Commissioning and maintenance of the abovementioned HVAC system
  • Installation of pipelines, pipe insulation
  • Installation of separate elements of air conditioning in library, cafeteria
  • Installation of electrical boxes for HVAC equipment
  • Commissioning of the building automation systems (BAS)
  • Renovation of auditoriums and archive room

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